
As of December 1, 1995

A Brief Club History: Yacht racing on the Pamlico River was begun by a small but enthusiastic group (five boats) during the summer of 1959. The fleet was loosely organized by the late Dr. Jim Hawes, Henry Hodges, Charlie Hammond, Frank Cox and Dr. Tad Larkin.

In 1959 there were five Pamlico 14’s (designed and built by Hodges, Cox and Hawes). By 1960 the Club boasted nine boats of five different designs. 1961 was the first year the crusing class boats raced for a cup, and this seems to be the turning point for the Club’s growth. There were three cruising boats and thirteen one designs actively racing.

In the fall of 1961 the first organized awards dinner was held at the home of Kack and Henry Hodges, with awards being presented to the season’s winners. A full slate of 1962 season fleet officers were elected, the Club was officially chartered and the sixteen members present were declared Charter Members. The Club’s original name was The Pamlico Yacht Racing Club. The current name somehow evolved between the years of 1964 and 1965, with no mention of a change in the Club records.

In 1972 the Club membership stood at 82, with three active cruising classes and a sunfish fleet. The membership then hailed from 21 North Carolina Cities and members were born in Holland, Greece, Germany, Wales and Canada.

In 1986 The Pamlico Sailing Club boasted of having 110 members, and was a member of the North Carolina Yacht Racing Association, South Atlantic Yacht Racing Association and the United States Yacht Racing Union. NCYRA was then a relatively new organization which the Pamlico Sailing Club played an important role in developing in order to establish a state-wide rating system along with sponsoring a state championship for cruising boats.

On September 19, 1993, PSC won the State Club Championship in both spinnaker and non- spinnaker classes held in conjunction with the Oar Race Regatta at Oriental.


The name of this organization shall be the Pamlico Sailing Club.


The object of this organization shall be to promote the fellowship, good will and common interest of its members through organized participation in sailing, social and educational activities.


Section I New Members: New members shall be accepted into the Club upon application to the Secretary-Treasurer and payment of annual dues.

Section II Classification:

A. Active Member - Active membership shall be held by all members paying active membership dues

B. Associate Members - Associate membership shall be granted upon receipt of application by the Secretary-Treasurer and payment of associate membership dues. Associate Members will receive all club publications, be eligible to attend Club meetings and social activities, but shall not have the right to vote. An Associate Membership does not waiver USYRU Rule #21, Member on Board. Associate Membership is to encourage participation of crew members only and is not available to boat owners.

Section III Termination of Membership:

A. Resignation - Resignations must be presented to the Secretary- Treasurer in writing.

B. Nonpayment of Dues - The names of members whose dues are not paid by April 15 will be dropped from membership records.

C. For other causes - Membership status of an individual may be terminated by two-thirds vote of the Club


Section I Officers: The officers of this Club shall be the Commodore, Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore, Fleet Captain, Secretary and Treasurer or Secretary-Treasurer, Rating Chairman, and the Assistant Fleet Captain.

Section II Eligibility: No member shall be eligible for any office unless he or she is an active member. No member shall be eligible to hold two offices at the same time with the exception of the Secretary-Treasurer.

Section III Term of Office: All officers shall be elected at the annual meeting which shall be held

in the fourth quarter of each year. Officers will be installed at the annual banquet and will serve a term of one year.

Section IV Election: The Commodore shall appoint a Nominating Committee of at least three

active members and a chairperson thereof who shall prepare a proposed slate of officers. Election of the officers shall occur at or prior to the annual meeting.

Section V Voting: An officer must have a majority of all votes cast to be duly elected.

Section VI Vacancies in Office:

A. If the office of Commodore is vacated, the Vice Commodore shall automatically become Commodore. The office of Vice Commodore shall be filled at the next regular or special meeting.

B. If the office of Fleet Captain is vacated, it shall be filled at the next regular or special meeting.

C. Vacancies in all other offices shall be filled by the Executive Committee for the remainder of the unexpired term.


Section I Commodore: The Commodore shall preside at all regular, annual and special meetings of the Club. The Commodore shall appoint a parliamentarian and the chairperson of all committees not specifically covered by these bylaws, and shall serve as an ex-officio member of all committees. The Commodore shall serve as delegate to NCYRA and SAYRA.

Section II Vice Commodore: In the absence of the Commodore, the Vice Commodore shall perform the duties of Commodore. The Vice Commodore shall serve as chairperson of the Social Committee and appoint members thereof. The Vice Commodore shall with the Fleet Captain, prepare the cruising schedule.

Section III Rear Commodore: The Rear Commodore shall be the immediate past Commodore and shall serve in an advisory capacity.

Section IV Secretary: The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all meetings of the Club and the Executive Committee: The Secretary shall conduct all correspondence of the Club.

Section V Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be custodian of the funds of the Club. The Treasurer shall receive all monies coming into the Club, deposit same in a bank and such money may be drawn out only upon the Treasurer’s check as Treasurer or by the Commodore if the Treasurer is unavailable. All bills shall be paid by check. The Treasurer shall be prepared to render a financial statement at all regular or annual meetings. The Treasurer shall be prepared to render a budget to the Executive Committee for approval at the January meeting. The Treasurer’s books shall be closed on December 31 of each year.

Section VI Fleet Captain: The Fleet Captain shall call and preside over all skipper’s meetings. The Fleet Captain shall conduct the elections of the class representatives and shall serve as chairperson of the Race Committee. The Fleet Captain shall serve as chairperson of the Protest Committee and shall appoint the members thereof. The Fleet Captain shall purchase the designated awards and present them at the annual banquet.

Section VII Rating Chairman: The Rating Chairman shall act as a representative for the Pamlico Sailing Club to the Rating Board of NCYRA. It is the responsibility of The Rating Chairman to disseminate information pertaining to ratings to NCYRA and the members of PSC.

Section VIII Assistant Fleet Captain: The Assistant Fleet Captain shall act as an aid to the Fleet Captain.

Section IX Class Representatives: Class Representatives shall be elected by a simple majority vote of the active members associated with each racing class. The Class Representatives shall serve as members of the Race Committee.


Section I Annual Meetings: The annual meeting of the Club shall be held in the fourth quarter of each year.

Section II Regular Business Meeting: The Commodore may call a regular business meeting of the Club with 10 days notice to all members.

Section III Special Meetings: Special meetings may be called by the Commodore or upon the request of five members, but no business except as is stated in the call may be transacted. Proper notice of such a meeting must be given to all members.

Section IV Skipper’s Meetings: The Fleet Captain shall call a Skipper’s Meeting for the purpose of information or business pertinent to conducting the racing schedule.

Section V Quorum: A Quorum of the Club shall consist of twenty members including at least two officers of the club.


Section I Definition: The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the Club, the immediate past commodore and the class representatives.

Section II Duties: It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to provide for any contingency which may arise and to discharge any business of the Club not herein provided for. The Executive Committee shall approve any expenditures in excess of $35.00 not previously authorized by a budget approved by the membership. It shall also be the duty of the Executive Committee to publish and distribute to all current Club members:

A. A newsletter at least once a month;

B. A Calendar of events at least once a year;

C. A Club membership directory once a year and by the first Club event of that year; and

D. A notice of race, regatta or event in a timely manner, for each race, regatta or event held or sanctioned by the Club.

Section III Meetings: A meeting of the Executive Committee shall be held at the call of the Commodore or upon request of three members of the Executive Committee.

Section IV Quorum: A quorum of the Executive Committee shall be five members, including the Commodore or the Vice Commodore.


Section I Budget Committee: The Treasurer shall serve as chairperson of the Budget Committee and appoint the members thereof who shall prepare the Club budget for the fiscal year. The budget will be presented to the Executive Committee for approval at the first meeting in January.

Section II Social Committee: The Vice Commodore shall be chairman of the Social Committee and appoint members thereof. They shall plan at least four social functions each year not including the annual banquet. They shall prepare budget requests and submit them to the Budget Committee prior to the first regular meeting.

Section III Race Committee: The Race Committee shall be responsible for the scheduling and conduct of races, providing race instructions, courses, permits and committee boats. The Fleet Captain shall fill any vacancy on the Race Committee either temporarily or permanently. The Race Committee shall act as a representative of the Club in organizing and conducting interclub matches. A decision of the Race Committee may be changed by two-thirds vote of the Club membership.

Section IV Protest Committee: The Fleet Captain shall appoint the members of the Protest Committee. It shall be the duty of the Protest Committee to hear a proper protest at the earliest possible time with proper notification of concerned parties. The Fleet Captain shall act as chairperson but shall not vote except in case of a tie. A quorum of the Protest Committee shall be four members, including the Fleet Captain.

Section V The Rating Committee Chairman shall coordinate ratings with other clubs.


Section I Fiscal Year: The fiscal year shall begin December 1 and end November 30. Dues are payable December 1.

Section II Annual Dues: The annual dues shall be: Family Members $65.00; Single Member 50.00; Associate Members $20.00 ("rates amended by ExCom, prior to 2007 dues were 55/45/20"). Any new member joining after August 1 shall pay one-half regular dues. Associate members joining after August 1 shall pay one- half associate member dues.


Section I Authority: The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern the Club in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are inconsistent with these bylaws.

Section II Duties of Parliamentarian: The Parliamentarian shall serve as an advisor on questions of parliamentary procedure when requested to do so. The Parliamentarian shall attend Executive Committee meetings upon request.


Section I These bylaws may be amended by two-thirds vote at any regular meeting.

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