Pamlico Sailing Club

Spring Series 2008

Sailing Instructions




1.1 The 2005-2008 Racing Rules of Sailing and the prescriptions of US Sailing will govern the series, except as any of these are changed by the Sailing Instructions.  This regatta is classified as a Category C event per Appendix G of the Racing Rules of Sailing


2.1 Either the skipper or the owner of a boat racing must be a current individual or family member of the PSC. 


2.2 A yacht racing in the Spring 2008 series will not be scored for any race prior to which membership and racing fees were not paid on her behalf.


2.3 Competitors must possess a valid NC-PHRF rating certificate or have submitted an NC-PHRF rating application and have assigned to them a temporary rating by the PSC PHRF Representative.

Race Schedule:

3.1 Series Race Dates

      Race Day 1            March 15, 2008

      Race Day 2            March 29, 2008

      Race Day 3            April 12, 2008

      Race Day 4            April 26, 2008

      Race Day 5             May 10, 2008


Should racing be abandoned on one or more of these dates, there will be no make up date.


3.2 All boats intending to race on a particular date must check in with the race committee no later than the first warning signal of that date.


Racing Area:

4.1 The racing area is the Pamlico River between Bath and Broad Creek, including BlountÕs Bay. The racing area is illustrated on the PSC website.


Race Format:

5.1 Spring series races will include at least two races per day for each day of the series.  Races will be windward-leeward using government marks, privately maintained marks, and inflatable marks as dictated by wind and weather. 


5.2 Each boat will have a number of race scores excluded from her series score, equal to the largest number of races held on any single day of the regatta.  These excluded races are designated Òthrow outsÓ and will consist of the yachtÕs highest scores.


Racing Classes:

6.1 There will be one spinnaker class, Class A, and one non-spinnaker class, Class C.  


6.2 Classes may be divided into divisions for purposes of scoring based on the PHRF range of the competing boats.



7.1 Races will be started using Rule 26.


7.2 Code Flags for use in starting

A Class:  Letter A

C Class:  Letter C

All classes may be started together using the ÒBÓ flag.


7.3 The first starting sequence on each race day will begin promptly at 11:00 am.  A one minute warning (horn blast) will be given prior to beginning of the first starting sequence.  If the postponement flag is flying and is lowered without a horn blast, it does not constitute a one minute warning.


7.4 The warning signal for the start of the second, and any subsequent race of the day for a particular class will be given no sooner than one minute after the last boast of that class has finished the previous race or been disqualified for failure to finish within the allowed time, so long as the start of the race will not interfere with the boats of other classes which may still be racing.


7.5 The starting line will be between the location of the blue RC flag on the race committee boat and a club mark or navigational marker as indicated in the course instructions.


7.6 Boats whose preparatory signal has not been made must keep clear of the starting area and keep clear of boats in the starting sequence.  Boats in their starting sequence may sail on either side of the starting line, but must be behind the line at the start.


7.7 A boat unable to start within five minutes of the starting time of her class must stay clear of all boats and may not start until all other boats of all classes have started. Her finishing time shall be taken as if she had properly started with her class.


7.8 In the event that the Postponement (AP) flag is displayed after the warning signal is made for a class, the committee will begin the full sequence again by displaying the class flag one minute after lowering the postponement flag with one blast on the horn.



Description of Marks:

8.1 The Race Committee will post course instructions for each race on the side of the Race Committee (RC) boat facing the starting line. These course instructions include, for each class:

- The identity and order of the marks (including the starting mark).
- The side on which marks are to be rounded, if different than as specified below (8.4).
- The distance and bearing of the first mark from the RC (posted on the stern of the committee boat) if the first mark of the course is a temporary mark.

For example, course instructions "AB B5R" means that Class A and Class B are to sail a course beginning between RC and mark B, then to navigational marker 5, rounded to Port if mark B is to port of the committee boat, then to the finish line, consisting of a small orange ball, "R" and the RC boat.


8.2 In the event that the start/finish line is located between marks of the race, competitors may pass between the RC and the pin mark without penalty.


8.3 All marks must be sailed to and properly rounded in the order indicated by the course instructions.


8.4 Unless otherwise indicated, if sailing from the non-course side of the starting line to the course side of the line requires that a boat leave the starting mark to port and the RC to starboard, all subsequent marks are to be left to port. Alternatively, (unless otherwise indicated) if sailing from the non-course side of the starting line to the course side of the line requires leaving the starting mark to starboard and the RC to port, all subsequent marks are to be left to starboard.


8.5 If the course requires that an individual mark be rounded to starboard that would be rounded to port under the above instructions, an ÒSÓ or other green marking will precede the name of that mark in the course instructions (8.1).


8.6 A small orange ball may be used as a mark of the course or to define one end of the starting or finishing line. That small orange ball will be designated as marker "R" when posted in the course instructions on the RC.


8.7 A temporary inflatable tetrahedron shaped mark, colored orange, may be used as a mark of the course or to define the starting or finishing line and will be designated as marker "X" when posted in the course instructions on the RC.


8.8 A temporary inflatable round shaped mark, colored yellow, may be used as a mark of the course or to define the starting or finishing line and will be designated as marker "W" when posted in the course instructions on the RC.


Time Limits:

9.1 Boats failing to finish within 45 minutes after the first boat of their class finishes will be scored ÒDid Not FinishÓ (DNF).



10.1 The low point scoring system of A4 (Appendix A), will apply, except that 3/4ths of a point will be awarded for the first place finisher in each class in each race.


10.2 A boat scored ÒDid Not FinishÓ in a race will be awarded points equal to the number of boats starting that race.


10.3 A boat scored ÒDid Not StartÓ or ÒDisqualifiedÓ in a race will be awarded points equal to the number of boats in her class properly registered for the series as of the race date.


10.4 Each boatÕs series score will be the total of her individual race scores for the series, excluding her Òthrow outÓ scores as specified in ÒRace FormatÓ above.


11.1 Protests must be written, following the general format stipulated in the RRS 2005-2008.  Suitable forms are available at the US Sailing website, the PSC website, and Captain SamÕs Boat Yard, but the use of this form is not required.


11.2 The written protests are to be delivered to the Fleet Captain, Assistant Fleet Captain, or the chairman of the race committee within one hour after the committee boat has returned to port unless the protesting yacht contacts the Race Committee on VHF Channel 68 prior to the end of racing to establish a time, at the discretion of the committee, which will be the deadline for filing the protest.


11.3 The Fleet Captain or Protest Committee Chair designated by the Fleet Captain, will select the members of the protest committee, which will hear protests at such times and places as designated by the Fleet Captain or Protest Committee Chair. A quorum of the Protest Committee shall be three members, including the Chair. The Chairperson shall not vote except in case of a tie. It shall be the duty of the Protest Committee to hear a proper protest at the earliest possible time with proper notification of concerned parties. Protests will be heard in approximately the order of receipt.


Notices to Competitors,

Signals Made Ashore:

12.1 Notices to competitors and other race announcements will be posted on the bulletin board in the "Tiki Bar" at Captain SamÕs Boat Yard, across the road from Broad Creek marina.


12.2 Any change to the sailing instructions will be posted before 8:00 a.m. on the day it will take effect.  All efforts will be made to post such changes on the PSC website by the Wednesday preceding the next race.  Changes that are made prior to the day of racing will be emailed to club members.


12.3 No signals will be made ashore. Postponement or cancellation of a race will be broadcast on channel 68 and indicated by the appropriate flag(s) on the committee boat.


12.4 The race committee will monitor, call, and communicate on on VHF channel 68.



13.1 All vessels must comply with USCG safety requirements.


13.2 Racing may be canceled in the event of forecast high below 40¡ F., 11:00 AM temperature below 35¡F., or sustained wind observed or forecast above 25 knots.


13.3 In accordance with the 2005-2008 RRS, the decision to race or not to race is entirely and completely the responsibility of each skipper.


13.4 Local wind and temperature information is available from a weather station located at Shady Banks, displayed at